University of Kentucky| Stanley and Karen Pigman College of Engineering| Department of Computer Science|
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Distributed and Mobile Computing Systems Research Group

Faculty Member:

Dr. D. Manivannan (Mani)
Associate Professor

Our group consists of men and women with diverse background from the following eleven countries: Bangladesh, China, Egypt, India, Iraq, Jordan, Malaysia, South Korea, Sweden, Thailand and The USA.

Graduated Ph.D. Students:

Dr. Ayesha S. Dina, (co-supervised with Prof. A.B. Siddique) (Graduated in Summer 2023)
Thesis title: "Deep Learning-Based Intrusion Detection Methods for Computer Networks and Privacy-Preserving Authentication Method for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks".
Ayesha won the best poster award at 2023 WiCyS Conference for her work on Intrusion Detection in Internet of Things!!
First appointment: Assistant Professor of cyber security, Department of Computer Science, Florida Polytechnic University, Lakeland, Florida.

Dr. Hassan Mistareehi (co-supervised with Prof. Sherali Zeadally) (Graduated in Spring 2023)
Thesis title: "A Secure and Distributed Architecture for Vehicular Cloud and Protocols for Privacy-preserving Message Dissemination in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks".
First appointment: Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Informtion systems, Murray State University, Murray, Kentucky.

Dr. Shafika Showkat Moni (Graduated in Spring 2022)
Thesis title: "Protocols and Architecture for Privacy-preserving Authentication and Secure Message Dissemination in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks".
First Ph.D student from the Department of Computer Science to receive The College of Engineering Outstanding Ph.D student award!!!
First appointment: Assistant Professor in Cybersecurity Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Computer science Department, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, Florida.

Dr. Tarannum Shaila Zaman (co-supervised with Prof. Tingting Yu) (Graduated in Spring 2022)
Thesis title: "An Automated Framework to Debug System-Level Concurrency Failures". .
First appointment: Assistant Professor, SUNY Poly, Utica, New York.

Dr. Md Tariqul Islam (Pavel) (Graduated in Summer 2020)
Recipient of the Dean's award for Outstanding Teaching Assistant
Thesis title: ``Algorithms for Achieving Fault-tolerance and Ensuring Security in Cloud Computing Systems'' .
First appointment: Assistant Professor of Trustworthy Cyberspace at Syracuse University iSchool, Syracuse, New York,ranked #2 in the Nation

Dr. Baban A. Mahmood (Graduated in Fall 2016).
Thesis title: ``Routing and Security in Mobile Ad hoc Networks''.
First appointment: Chair, Department of Networking, College of Computer Science and Information Technology, University of Kirkuk, the Flagship University of his Homeland.

Dr. Ahmed F. Ibrahim(co-supervised with Prof. Mukesh Singhal) (Graduated in Summer 2016).
Thesis title: "New Secure Solutions for Privacy and Access Control in Health Information Exchange"
First appointment: Assistant Professor, University of Virginia, the Flagship University of the Commonwealth of Virginia and The Most Valuable College for Computer Science in the USA. He then moved to University of Pittsburg School of Computing and Information, ranked #9 in the Nation

Dr. Kiho Lim (Graduated in Summer 2016).
Recipient of Kentucky Opportunity Fellowship.
Thesis title:``Secure and Authenticated Message Dissemination in Vehicular Networks and an Incentive-based Architecture for Vehicular Cloud''.
First appointment: Assistant Professor, University of South Dakota, the Flagship University of South Dakota. After three years, he moved here , to be near a big city.

Dr. Qiangfeng Jiang (Graduated in Fall 2013).
Recipient of Dissertation year Fellowship.
Thesis title:``Algorithms for Fault Tolerance in Distributed Systems and Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks"
First appointment: Senior Software Engineer (Enterprise networks), Citix Systems Inc., Santa Clara, California.

Dr. Jiang Wu (Graduated in Fall 2011).
Thesis title: ``Checkpointing and Recovery in Distributed and Database Systems''
First appointment: Data Warehouse Developer/Architect, Marshfield Clinic.

Dr. Yi Pike (Graduated in Spring 2011).
Recipient of Dissertation year fellowship and Kentucky Opportunity Fellowship.
Thesis title: ``Communication-Induced Checkpointing and Recovery Protocols for Distributed Systems''
First Appointment: Turned down an Assistant Professor position and returned to the Flagship University of Kentucky as a Lecturer.

Dr. Karl Persson (Graduated in Spring 2009).
Thesis title:``A Protocol Suite for Wireless Personal Area Networks''
First appointment: VP, E-commerce. President at Persson Consulting LLC.

Dr. Jianchang Yang (Graduated in Fall 2006).
Recipient of Kentucky Opportunity Fellowship.
Thesis title: "Fault-Tolerant Distributed Channel Allocation Algorithms for Cellular Networks"
First appointment: Assistant Professor, SUNY Fredonia.

Graduated M.S. Students (Thesis Option):

Mr. James Bernsen
Thesis title: "A Reliability-based Routing Protocol for Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks".
Software Developer and Integrator at USAA .

Graduated M.S. Students (Project Option):

Ms. Sriharitha Ambati, Software developer .

Mr. Dawei Liu . Software Engineer at Google, Mountain View, CA.

Ms. A. L. P. Harika , Software Engineer at Amazon, Seattle, WA.

Mr. Anirban Chakraborty , Full Stack Engineer(JAVA) at Samsung SDS

Mr. Vamsidhar Reddy Puttireddy .

Ms. Remya Puthanthodiyil Janardanan , Developer, Prepaid Ventures, LTD. / NexisCard.

Mr. Chao Shen . Works for US Department of Defense.

Ms. Nithya Ganesh, Senior Software Engineer at Microsoft, Redmond, Washington, USA.

Mr. Chun Lung Lim, Sr. QA Engineer at JPMorgan Chase & Co..

Ms. Cindy A. Burklow, Chief Operating officer, Naprogenix Inc.

Mr. Raju Manchala, Cloud Architect at Apttus .

Mr. Praveen Devabhaktuni, Principal Application Developer

Mr. Anjani Kumar Adusumilli, Senior Solutions Architect at Thrivent

Dr. Zhongdong Huang (Ph.D in Electrical Engineering).

Mr. Vivek Kandiyanallur Dora, Principal Software Engineer, Microsoft, Azure SQL DB.

Mr. Lei You.

Dr. Chi Zhang (Ph.D in Physics), Professor, Center for Plant Science Innovation, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska.

Mr. Kaushal Mehta, Director, Global Customer Support, at BrightInsight .